October 7, 2022
Join FEA experts Shreyas Vaidya and Peter Kjellbotn as they show the design, simulation and collaboration that can go into modern product development.
Get ready for the biggest and most thrilling SOLIDWORKS event of the year! 🔥 Join us for SLUGME 9 (SOLIDWORKS Largest User Group Meeting Ever) and bring your DRIVE for learning! Whether you're an engineer, designer, or a SOLIDWORKS enthusiast, buckle up for a high-speed event packed with innovation, learning, and fun.🛞 🏁
During this broadcast, we will design and build a project from start to finish, bridging the gap from the virtual world to the physical. Coming to you LIVE from the SOLIDWORKS campus in Waltham MA, this is a show you WON'T want to miss! 🏎️
Visit this page to enter for a chance to win a Dell/NVIDIA Precision Mobile Workstation: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=mhlclKKDgE6fjFqRvldS3YWVwJkxBTBGuO7NwWnqL2dUMllKVU1QT0pLQ0pENlA3TTNQVk9JUlVRMy4u&route=shorturl
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